According to § 3 (2) of the German Securities Institutes Act (Wertpapierinstitutsgesetz - WpIG), in order to perform investment brokerage activities to customers, YELDO GmbH operates as a TIED AGENT in terms of § 3 (2) WpIG and acts as an investment intermediary according to § 2 (2) No. 3 WpIG exclusively for CONCEDUS GmbH, Eckental.
Yeldo GmbH has been notified to the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) as a TIED AGENT of CONCEDUS GmbH and has been entered in the BaFin Register for tied agents under the registration number 80177477.
The BaFin register for tied agents can be reviewed at:
Find below any relevant information about the mentioned companies.
Potsdamer Platz 1
10785 Berlin
Management Board:
Registered in the Commercial Register at:
Register number:
Journalistically and editorially responsible person within the meaning of § 18 (2) MDStV:
Pursuant to our obligation to inform you under the Regulation No 524/2013 on Online Dispute Resolution for consumer disputes, you may access the platform of the EU Commission regarding online dispute resolution under the following link
Pursuant to our obligation under § 36 (1) Consumer Dispute Resolution Act we hereby inform you that we are neither willing nor obligated to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. Please refer to our Terms of Service for details on how we settle disputes.
Within the European Union, YELDO GmbH and its registered employees are acting as so-called “tied agents” within the meaning of § 3 (2) of the German Securities Trading Act (WpIG) and acts as an investment intermediary according to § 2 (2) No. 3 of the German Securities Trading Act (WpIG) exclusively for CONCEDUS GmbH, Eckental. YELDO GmbH has been notified to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) as so-called “tied agent” of CONCEDUS GmbH and has been entered in the BaFin register for tied agents under the register number 80177477. The BaFin register of tied agents is available at:
Section 1
Right of withdrawal
You may revoke your contractual declaration within 14 days without stating any reasons by means of a clear declaration. The period begins after the conclusion of the contract and after you have received the contractual provisions including the General Terms and Conditions and all information listed below under section 2 on a durable medium (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail). To comply with the revocation period, it is sufficient to send the revocation in due time if the declaration is made on a durable medium. The revocation has to be sent to YELDO GmbH, at the email address
Section 2
Information required for the start of the withdrawal period
The information referred to in the second sentence of Section 1 shall include the following:
Section 3
Consequences of withdrawal
In the event of an effective withdrawal, the services received by both parties shall be returned. You shall be obligated to pay compensation for the value of the service provided up to the time of revocation if you were made aware of this legal consequence prior to submitting your contractual declaration and expressly agreed that the performance of the service in return could be commenced before the end of the revocation period. If there is an obligation to pay compensation for lost value, this may mean that you still have to fulfill the contractual payment obligations for the period until the revocation. Your right of withdrawal shall expire prematurely if the contract has been completely fulfilled by both parties at your express request before you have exercised your right of revocation. Obligations to refund payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. This period begins for you with the dispatch of your revocation, for us with its receipt.
Special notes
Upon withdrawal of this contract, you shall also no longer be bound by any contract related to this contract if the related contract concerns a service provided by us or a third party on the basis of an agreement between us and the third party.